Our Case Studies

Case : 1

Acrania-Exencephaly-Anencephaly Sequence
(Absent fetal skull)

Case : 2

Placental chorioangioma (Commonest tumor of placenta)

Case : 3

(Cystic lesion at medial canthus of orbit)

Case : 4

Meckel gruber syndrome:Ciliopathies( Fatal condition with bulky kidneys, defect in calvarium with herniation of brain tissue & extra digits.)

Case : 5

Meckel gruber syndrome: Ciliopathies( Fatal condition with bulky kidneys, defect in calvarium, and cyst in brain)

Case : 6

Atelencephalic microcephaly ( Small-sized head with underdeveloped brain tissue)

Case : 7

Horseshoe kidney (Fused kidneys)

Case : 8

Intraabdominal extrapulmonary sequestration (Small abnormal lung tissue in abdomen)

Case : 9

Fetal akinesia deformation sequence (Fatal condition with absent fetal movements, fixed posture and small jaw )

Case : 10

Unilateral club foot with left superior vena cava (Medially rotated foot with small abnormal vessel near heart)

Case : 11

Unilateral club foot with left superior vena cava (Medically rotated foot with small abnormal vessel near heart)

Case : 12

Pierre robin syndrome (Small jaw with defect in palate)

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